Sunday, October 21, 2007


Looking for a relief constipation problem?

WIN TEA drink which is a natural herbal source to help you be free of various chronic diseases. It is a simple, convenient and pleasant way to a healthy, long life. So, make it your daily drink.

Constipation is the irregular movement of bowels. When one experiences constipation, stools are hard and this leads to difficulty in passing them.

The normal bowel movement of a healthy adult varies between 3 and 21 times a week, with at least one bowel movement a day. Less than three bowel movements is medically a condition of constipation and less than one bowel movement in a week is acute constipation. Constipation can lead to bloating, which is the swelling of the abdomen.

Fewer than three bowel movements per week, hard stool, straining during bowel movements, feeling of incomplete evacuation are some of the common symptoms of constipation. Constipation and bloating relief should be of prime concern, as lack of effective treatment can lead to several other diseases.

Feel free to contact us for a no obligation quote no matter how large or small your order.

But we do offer attractive prices for bulk wholesale orders!

Your benefit description goes here:
* Relief of constipation
* Cleanses the intestines
* Helps slimming by burn up excess fat
* Reinforces and maintains good health
* Special prices for bulk order!

Contact Us At +(65)94557945
For A No Obligation Order!

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